Online Printing Company

Go Beyond with These 3 Innovative-Yet-Retro Marketing Techniques

Posted on: July 10th, 2012 by No Comments

In this fast-paced world, it’s sometimes easy to get stuck in the digital box. But old-school marketing techniques and tools are sometimes more effective than all the gigabytes in the world. Case in point: look at all the businesses that have gone back to basics, hiring people to stand on the street and wave funky signs in the air or don silly costumes. Can you honestly say that these haven’t nabbed your attention?

You don’t have to hire a full-time street dancer to harness the power of real physical (not digital!) advertising techniques. Here are three products that will stand the test of time and bring in lots of new business for a small investment now.

Vinyl Signs and BannersFull color vinyl signs and banners

It may seem too simple to be true, but one should never underestimate the value of a colorful, high-impact banner that clearly showcases your company, shop, or restaurant logo. These signs offer a ridiculously long life for a small one-time investment, and they can be printed in whatever sign best fits your budget and needs. They’re weather-proof and will hold up despite the elements. Maybe best of all, they are fully portable and can be toted along to trade shows, expos, fairs, and networking events.

Direct Mail Campaigns

Admit it: you’ve padded your email account with filters galore and you don’t hesitate to delete anything that looks like an advertisement without giving it a second look. Why would you expect your potential customers to act any differently? A piece of physical mail is harder to ignore, and people see results with direct mail that can’t be matched by electronic equivalents. Check it out: 98 percent of people bring their mail into their homes the day it arrives. Of those, 77 percent sort through it right away. And around 14 percent make purchases on a company’s website when they receive a direct mail offer via catalog, postcard or letter! Email results simply don’t compare. And when you use one company as a turnkey solution for design, printing, and distribution, your involvement and hassle are minimized.

StickersSome custom printed stickers

Stickers are a popular item that should not be underestimated in its effectiveness. Street art has made a huge resurgence in recent years, and graffiti culture has risen again alongside it. Kids aren’t the only ones who enjoy plastering stickers all over their stuff (although this niche market should definitely not be ignored, either!). Young adults find homes for stickers on their cars, desks, and all sorts of outdoor surfaces. An online presence is great, but don’t forget about broadening your band or company’s physical presence out in the real world by offering high-quality all-weather vinyl stickers to be placed any and everywhere by your customers and fans.

There are lots of ways to take your message outside the virtual world and into your customers’ hands. Get creative and try multiple marketing platforms for maximum results. To ease the process, do your research and find a company you can trust to handle all your marketing needs.