Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’

Make Your Personal Facebook Page Work for Your Business

Posted on: October 3rd, 2012 by No Comments
Along with ordering your brand new business cards, one of the first steps in starting a new business is creating a successful Facebook business page. Many business owners have seen the power of manning a successful FB page – more clients, higher Google ranking, and more buzz, all at no cost. When you’re just getting started, this might mean that you have to work on TWO Facebook pages – your business page and your personal page. I mean, who is more likely to support your business than your friends? Here’s some ...

Three Ways to Tie Your Business Card and Other Printed Collaterals to Your Twitter Account

Posted on: July 3rd, 2012 by No Comments
First of all, your business should have a Twitter account. Period. Even if your industry is not geared toward the younger set, it doesn’t matter. Everyone, young and old, is capable of social networking, and you’d be surprised at how many savvy gray-haired consumers and professionals are hitting the Tweetosphere on a daily basis. That said, you are missing a divine opportunity to spread your business’s name and message much further and wider in cyberspace than you can in the “real world” if you don’t connect ...

How to Market with Flyers

Posted on: July 3rd, 2012 by No Comments
So you have an exciting opening or event on the horizon and you think it merits some promotion beyond creating a Facebook invite. There’s no doubt about it: flyers are an old-school way to direct attention to your venture or event – but they also work. Using this time-tested marketing technique requires more than a click of a mouse. Here are a few tips on how to do it well. Design Wisely Not all flyers are created equal. A smart marketer will tailor his design to the product. That means that if you’re ...