Online Printing Company

Selecting Zip Codes and Routes for Every Door Direct Mailing

Posted on: March 15th, 2019 by Hunter No Comments

Imagine your business being the buzz of the town. It’s not a daydream, It’s what we do!

You need more clients, but you don’t know where to start. Here’s an idea that will remove the stress. When you want to advertise your business to a specific area, there are few options as effective as Every Door Direct Mailing: better known as, EDDM. This is a little known way to saturate a specific mailing route with your promotional material and advertisements. The trick is to find where your potential clients live, and send them postcards or mailers that direct them straight to your company.

There are many differences between industries, and from one business to another. The key is to know your customers and clients. If you already have a strong client base, advertising to their neighbors is a smart move. Do you have a list of your customers? Compare this list of addresses to a map of your local area. Saturate the hot-spots with an EDDM postcard from Elite Flyers.

Every Door Direct Mail EDDM Clients Business Advertising Family

Your company is accessible and relevant

The reason that we recommend doing this is that your existing clients will help you to create a buzz. People love to talk about their business, and what’s going on near them. By advertising to your clients neighbors, you create many possibilities for your business to become the hot topic!

Let’s say that your client is visiting a neighbor, and they see your postcard sitting on the counter. Your client knows you personally and may begin to speak to the quality or value of your services. This is the exact buzz that you can create by saturating a neighborhood with EDDM postcards from Elite Flyers.

On the other hand, let’s say that your client has friends over at their house when they notice your postcard on the kitchen table. They may choose to speak on their experience with your company. This wouldn’t happen organically. This happens because you choose to mail to their neighborhood, and placed your business at the forefront of their mind.

Check out our new EDDM route selection tool on our website here ::

Every Door Direct Mailing Stamps Postage Printing Design

At, you can purchase design, printing, postage, and full service mailing. With our fully integrated EDDM route selection tool, you can even select the zip codes and mailing routes that you want to market your business to.