Online Printing Company

Full-Color Foil Business Cards and Flyers Set You Apart in a Flash

Posted on: December 17th, 2012 by No Comments

Ever see one of those long elaborate dragons they parade around during the Chinese New Year? They’re mesmerizing with a chain of metallic colors and other vibrant hues. Their florid designs make them impossible not to stare at, and their festive brightness brings a smile to every viewers face. They inspire hope for the coming year, a sense of celebration, and certainly a feeling of pride, both in the people who organize the artistic explosion of fun, and those who behold it.

What if your business card could borrow some of this enthusiastic, colorful energy? What if you could use some of those same festive metallics to inspire the enthusiasm of a New Year’s parade, but on a smaller scale? And on top of that, what if achieving such an effect was affordable and easy?

With Elite Flyers’ full-color foil printing, all of this is possible. Our full-color foil printing gives you the option to print your business card or flyer with full-color metallic inks, and at bargain prices.

How? Well, for starters, we don’t just use ink in the process. To keep costs affordable, we use a combination of metallic foils and actual inks to color that metallic foil. Then we bond the colored foil to your sturdy, 16pt cardstock business cards. The end effect is an outstanding, colorful, light-reflective business card that people will want to look at again and again. It’s a fact – young, old, male or female – people like shiny things! Why not capitalize on this fact when designing the cards that will represent you and your business to the masses?

In designing your full-color foil business card, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind. One is that colorful business cards are a great eye-catcher, but there is such a thing as going overboard. If you’re using full-color foil design elements on your business card, you may want to consider simplifying the rest of your business card design so as not to detract from the actual message you want to convey with the card. Consider printing your company logo, name, or symbol with the full-color foil technique, and then printing the rest of your information in a relatively calm and quiet font and font color. Consider also printing your full color foil design elements against a black business card backdrop. This can really set those metals off. Remember, in any kind of design, contrast can provide one of the most striking effects of all.

Full-color foil business cards can ensure that you stand out from the crowd, and you can use the same principles in your flyer design as well. Elite Flyers got its name from its flyer printing prowess, and fittingly, we offer a ton of cool flyer printing options so you end up with printed marketing materials that will get results every time.

Nightclub flyers, lounge flyers, restaurant and concert flyers are all incredible opportunities to make good use of the full-color foil printing technique. A cheesy, bland flyer just gets tossed in the trash. A full-color foil printed flyer will make people look twice, and then three times. All that additional exposure will make your potential clients, customers, or fans that much more likely to follow up on your offer. And because Elite Flyers offers such affordable prices on this printing technique, you can be sure that your return on investment will be manifold.

Designing a normal business card without any special enhancements is a little simpler than designing one with specialty options like full-color foil printing. If you’re not sure where to start with your design for this premium business card printing option, that’s okay. You can call or write the Elite Flyers design team, and they can either give you a few pointers to get the ball rolling on your own Photoshop design or actually take over your dazzling ffull-color-foil-specialull-color foil design for you. Our rates are the most affordable on the market, and considering the time and headache it saves our customers when they put their design needs into our hands, our clients are happy to report that it’s worth the modest cost every time.

So whether you’re looking for a sparkling full-color foil business card, flyer, or some other custom-printed product entirely, reach out to Elite Flyers. It’s not a coincidence that we have an excellent reputation for customer service, fast printing and shipping speeds, and excellent fulfillment on our orders. Find out for yourself how we earned it – get in touch with us today!