Posts Tagged ‘miami’

Flyers and Brochures to Promote During Miami’s Wine & Food Festival

Posted on: January 31st, 2013 by No Comments
It’s already that time of year again! The Miami Wine and Food Festival is fast approaching, and it’s time to start thinking about how to use this ever-growing festival to your business’s advantage – whether you’re in the food biz or not! The dates on the WFF this year are April 17 to 20, so now is the perfect time to begin preparing your business for success at the fest – specifically, it’s a great time to begin designing flyers and brochures to let the influx of tourists and visitors know what your business ...

How to Dress for Business Success

Posted on: August 13th, 2012 by No Comments
In a business world where we’re often hiding behind our computer monitors instead of holding face-to-face meetings, it’s sometimes easy to forget the impact our clothes have on making people want to work with us – or scaring potential clients away. In addition to a solid work history and a great business card and handshake, an aesthetically pleasing wardrobe is essential for anyone who wants to be taken seriously in the business world. Here are some tips to ensure you’ve got what it takes to make a good ...