We can’t all be graphic designers, but even the least tech-savvy among us has at his or her fingertips the resources necessary to design a simple and effective business card. Thanks to the magic of the interweb and people a lot more into computers than we are, it’s now easy to get all the tools necessary to design a great business card and send it to the printers on the cheap. Here are a few key resources to help you get the job done.
BusinessCardLand.com has a free online business card maker, whereby users can simply select the options they want for their card’s design, plus the size (American standard or 3.5”x2” if you’re printing with EliteFlyers.com), and colors. The app then generates a PDF that can be sent to the printers, and you’re all done!
A mockup is just a model used for illustration purposes. You can download free business card mockups and use them as templates for your own business card designs, changing only the text and images necessary and making the sizing and formatting of your business card a non-issue. Artbees.net offers a few of these free mockups in very modern and professional styles, including a die-cut business card model.
Not only does this site offer business card templates, but it also gives users access to free designs for stationery, business forms, resumes, and much more.
At this site, you can access all sorts of clip art that’s ready to be incorporated in your business card design – as background images, accents, or whatever you choose. There’s a variety of popular themes to choose from, including business, sports, and holidays.
For the slightly more advanced would-be business card designer, this blog gives readers ideas for using unique textures (like checkered grid patterns and frothy water bubbles) in Photoshop. For super-charged designers, it even gives tips on how to create new fonts in designated programs. It also directs readers to great deals for ready-made fonts, icons and other design elements and tools across the web.
These are just a few of the vast resources available to budding designers on the web. We’ll keep you posted as newer and greater sites emerge to make your design experience easier and more successful. And keep in mind, if the going gets tough, you can always leave the job to the professionals.