Online Printing Company

Tips for Coordinating Your Design Collaterals

Posted on: August 15th, 2012 by No Comments
When it comes time to design business cards, a website, flyers, brochures, signs, pens, and all the other promotional materials that marketing a new company requires, many new business owners are so excited to be making things for their new baby that they end up creating a package of random-looking stuff. This isn’t cute. In fact, it can be quite damaging. First off, it means the owner is missing the opportunity to create brand recognition for his or her new company. Second, it makes the company look like a joke. Here are some things to keep in mind as you’re deciding on collateral designs so that you end up with materials that make sense together and work for your brand.
  1. Plan multiple projects together

This may seem like a simple instruction – and it is – but in application it could take you a good chunk of time. It means you should not simply throw together any old business card design, send it off to the printers, and then worry about all the rest of your marketing materials later. While creating a business card, think in advance about whether the fonts you’re choosing, the color schemes, the logo, and the layout of the card will translate well to other materials like flyers, brochures, and websites. It may be advantageous to sketch out a number of these designs at once so that you can ensure the choices you make for one work for all.

  1. Do unto thy website as you do unto thy business cardBusieness cards that represent the brand

When you hand someone a business card, hopefully he or she will look at it for a while. If you and your card do your jobs exceptionally well, the recipient may even be moved to check out the website plastered on the front of your card. Now your new contact is holding your card in hand and staring at your website on his or her computer. If your website bears no resemblance to your business card, you have just lost esteem in this person’s eyes, whether on a conscious or subconscious level. This doesn’t mean your site has to be a blown-up version of your business card, but some elements should carry over to make it clear that they both represent the same company. The same colors, a representative picture or logo, and certainly the same fonts should appear on both your site and your card. And when you update your business card, update your site accordingly.

  1. Go overboard with repetition

Many successful marketing campaigns have been unashamed about being redundant. Subway’s green and yellow ads that tell us to “Eat fresh.” McDonald’s red and yellow “I’m lovin’ it.” And this throwback from Nike, always in the same perfect Futura Condensed Extra Bold font: “Just do it.” These are all burned permanently in our minds because we saw them so frequently and they never changed. Take advantage of this winning principle in designing your own collaterals. After all, it actually makes your job quite a bit easier. Once you find something that works, simply exploit it!