Posts Tagged ‘custom stickers’

Marketing to Children: How to Reach Your Littlest Customers

Posted on: August 24th, 2016 by Lorena Fernandez 1 Comment
To reach a child, we must also reach the parent. If you impress the child, you’ll likely delight the parent. But how does one market to a child? In a world dominated by sales, returns, and consumer logic, how does one get back to the basics of impressing and intriguing a child? If you’re a doctor or a dentist, a tutor or a psychologist, you know the struggle: it’s not always easy to make a little human smile. But if your business is kid-friendly and provides kid-approved promo products like the ones below, ...

Your Band Needs Merch. We Got That.

Posted on: July 18th, 2013 by Terrell Hammel No Comments
When you make the decision to form or join a band, you’re taking a number of admirable risks. You’re facing the risk that people will laugh, that it’ll be hard to find gigs, and that you won’t be any good or at least that people won’t like you. You’re taking a risk simply by announcing to the world that you think of yourself as a musician and that you might be so good that other people will even pay to hear you. You’re risking your livelihood by choosing to pursue music when other careers are almost definitely ...