Posts Tagged ‘Business Etiquette’

How to Remember Names

Posted on: July 31st, 2012 by No Comments
If you’re in business and you’re any good at it, chances are you meet people pretty frequently. Of course it’s hard to keep them all straight. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. People appreciate it immensely when you remember their names. They feel valued and they will, in turn, hold you in higher esteem for your efforts. The business card exchange is a great opportunity to create memories of your new contact’s name. Business cards can also be used as a tool to help you recall. Use them. Here are some ...

How to Use Good Business Card Etiquette

Posted on: July 3rd, 2012 by No Comments
You’ve designed and printed the perfect business card to represent your business or initiative. Now don’t just go shoving it into people’s hands like an executive bull in a China shop! There’s a certain protocol to follow if you want people to happily accept – and follow up on – your custom-printed business card. Here are some dos and don’ts on proper business card etiquette. Don’t Leave Home Without Them The first and most important rule of business card etiquette is actually having them on-hand. It ...