Posts Tagged ‘Postcards’

For Immediate Release: Higher Quality Now Standard with Elite Flyers’ 16pt Cardstock

Posted on: January 14th, 2013 by No Comments
For Immediate Release: Contact: Elite Flyers 407 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139 800-538-8091 Higher Quality Now Standard with Elite Flyers’ 16pt Cardstock  World-wide, January 14, 2013 --- Given the choice between thicker, higher-quality cardstock and lesser quality 14pt cardstock, anyone would choose the thicker, higher-quality material – especially if the price was right. Effective immediately, Elite Flyers has made the choice even simpler by ...

Print Advertisements to Save Your A$$

Posted on: January 4th, 2013 by 2 Comments
We’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs and small business owners in our circle of friends, and so we get to see firsthand the ups and downs they go through with regard to business. From our observations, though, one thing holds steady for all of them. When they try to save money by cutting back on advertising, they do themselves no favors. It’s like a man who is dying of thirst and so dehydrated he can’t make his way out of the desert, and yet he saves his little canteen of water in case he has to put out a fire. ...

Postcards and EDDM Marketing Boost Your Small Business

Posted on: December 6th, 2012 by No Comments
LOL, BRB, LMAO, and now EDDM… WTF? Don’t be alarmed that there’s now another acronym creeping into mainstream vocabulary. EDDM is as simple to understand as any of the above-mentioned abbreviations. Well, kind of. It stands for “Every Door Direct Mail,” and it’s a relatively new service from the United States Postal Service that allows you to hit everyone in a certain zip code with a marketing mailer for your business at a reduced per-piece postage cost. EDDM is an excellent choice for some small businesses ...

How Thick Is Thick Enough? 16pt Cardstock Flyers vs 14pt Cardstock Flyers

Posted on: November 29th, 2012 by 5 Comments
There are a lot of choices to make when you’re designing a flyer. How many colors do you want to use? Or do you want to go black and white? Is your message best broadcast using a lot of words, or are images king for your custom flyer? Should you use Helvetica, Garamond, or Comic Sans as your font of choice? Or do you want to go off the grid and scan a handwritten message to put on your flyer? Are you going to add hot specialty design elements like full-color foil printing, foil-stamping, spot UV, or silk ...

Multi-Purpose Flyers Work As Coasters, Bookmarks, and More

Posted on: September 10th, 2012 by No Comments
In this age when hipsters alter their own clothes, hip hoppers order one-of-a-kind custom Nike Air Force 1 shoes, and Starbucks offers at least 87,000 unique beverage combinations to its caffeinated clientele, consumers are just not content with the “one size fits all” approach to anything. That’s why Elite Flyers offers 17 different size flyers, printed on either 14 or 16pt card stock. The various flyer sizes open up a lot of creative uses for our custom printed flyers. But just in case you don’t have time ...