Posts Tagged ‘Newsletters’

Make a Difference (and a Profit!) with Community Newsletters

Posted on: June 12th, 2013 by No Comments
How often do you hear people complain that there’s “nothing going on” in their communities, despite what many of us know to the contrary? All over the U.S., small organizations are doing good by collecting money or clothing for disaster victims, like those affected by the tornados in Oklahoma. Others are holding weekly community meet-ups, where like-minded people get together to share ideas, food, and fun. One need only look at to see how many active neighborhood groups there are, but a resource ...

5 Tips to Boost Success of Your Print Marketing Campaign

Posted on: April 22nd, 2013 by No Comments
The Internet is an astounding thing; no one in his right mind would attempt to argue against that. Email marketing has its place, but all too many businesses are abusing this tool to the point of exhaustion. Exhaustion of the customer, that is. As you may have experienced firsthand (perhaps even as both recipient and sender), when customers receive daily emails from a business, their attention fades with every new mailing. They become desensitized, and unless your subject line reads “80% Off Everything in Our ...

Reduce Advertising Costs by Teaming with Local Businesses

Posted on: October 16th, 2012 by No Comments
When you’re a business that’s just starting out, every penny counts. And in this economy, even if you’re a well-established business, you may be watching your spending. So how do you get out of your slump, attract new customers, and boost your revenue? Print advertising is one of the first solutions that comes to mind. But if you’re already balancing a tight budget, you may not see how to squeeze in another expense, even if you see the potential of a long-term return. An investment in advertising is a risk, ...

4 Ways to Keep in Constant Contact with Your Customers

Posted on: September 21st, 2012 by No Comments
Sending daily emails is a sure way to make your customers resent you, or worse, direct your emails straight to their “trash.” To avoid this fate, we recommend varying your means of contacting your customers. When your outreach is always fresh and new, they’ll be more likely to pay attention and follow up. Newsletters We’ve recently seen a really great newsletter from a local yoga studio. They take the word literally, putting “news” from the local yoga community into concise “letter” form. They ...

Companies Gain Loyalty with Newsletters

Posted on: August 28th, 2012 by 1 Comment
The idea of publishing a newsletter may seem like more of a pain in the neck than a good idea. But there are certain enterprises that benefit greatly by making use of this kind of marketing tool. Here are a few questions to consider before deciding to nix or say yay to a company newsletter: Would you like to give your business a more personable, relatable image? Is anything exciting or new happening at your company? Do you interact with related businesses and individuals as part of your ...