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Personal “Business” Cards Help You Navigate the New Dating Scene

Posted on: June 14th, 2013 by No Comments

In cities across the country, the dating scene has changed so much over the last decade that it is now an almost unrecognizable mutation of its former self. Where people used to hope they might, if the stars were aligned right, exchange a phone number with someone they met out at a bar, people are now taking matters into their own hands and actively seeking partners as though it were a business transaction. People are unashamed to admit that they are “interviewing” potential partners, using tools like online dating sites, meet-up groups, speed dating events, and even social networking sites like Facebook to connect with people who share similar interests. It only makes sense that people would seek to accessorize this process with a fun, personalized business card to give potential mates as easy way to follow up an initial meeting.

If dating business cards seem like the least romantic thing you’ve ever heard of, slow down and think about it. The dating landscape now isn’t necessarily worse or better than it was in the past, high end business cardsbut it is definitely different. Though it may lack some of the “organic” feel that used to accompany those chance meetings out in the world, treating your love life like a well-managed business does have its advantages. The greatest pro of all, of course, is that the new process allows you to cast your net wider, meeting a greater volume of people in a short period of time, giving you a distinctly greater chance of “clicking” with someone along the way. You can also pre-screen quite efficiently, eliminating people quickly if they, for example, don’t meet your education requirements, or value spirituality as much as you would like. With all of the dating “methods” at our fingertips today, we can order our dates with as many stipulations as one might order a specialty espresso drink at a Starbucks counter. Of course, the difference with dating is that the “drink” we choose has to like us back, as well. Giving out little personalized cards when we meet people we like at least opens up the possibility that an initial meeting might lead to a second.

If we follow the new approach to dating, we can be sure that the people we’re meeting and “interviewing” are in turn meeting at least as many people as we are every week. Keeping this in mind, it’s not a bad idea to create a little card that contains a method of contacting you that won’t interfere with your “normal” personal life or your business life. This might mean that you omit details that could get you in trouble if they fall into the wrong hands. Many people choose not to disclose their profession or their place of business, instead using just their first and maybe last names, along with a phone number and an email address. In fact, many people choose to create a new email address dedicated just to their dating life, in order to keep things simple. Often people will include a link to their Facebook profile as well, if they feel comfortable doing so. It Full color foil business cardsis important to keep in mind that you will probably be handing these cards out to veritable strangers, and that first impressions are not always very telling. It’s a good idea to limit the amount of information you disclose, while still making sure that your custom business card recipients have an easy way of getting in touch with you.

Dating business card designs typically include a small headshot so that people can connect your face to your name, but again, this is a matter of taste and discretion. You might instead include an image of something that represents one of your favorite hobbies, sports, or interests – just be sure to mention a little anecdote about the image to your date or potential date so that they can easily connect you to your card. You may also choose to keep your card design completely minimalist, displaying only your name and phone number. The very sparseness of such a card might make an impression in and of itself.

No matter what you choose to include, be sure that you create a tasteful, well-designed card. Keep it simple so that you don’t run the risk of looking tacky, but do consider adding premium design elements like shiny foil accents, silk lamination, or even elegant linen cardstock so that you can be sure to stand out from the crowd.