Posts Tagged ‘high quality printing service’

Bottle Hangers for Your Business

Posted on: July 24th, 2013 by 2 Comments
If you’ve run out of ideas for innovative and surprising ways to promote your bar, club, lounge, or liquor store, the answer is right in your hands. If you’re holding a liquor bottle in your hands, at least. You may have branded marketing materials on the walls of your club, in the local paper, on flyers (and if you don’t, come see us at, on custom mailers, t-shirts, and even door hangers. But do you have your important messaging on the objects thirsty bar-goers tend to eye most? No, it’s ...

Every Door Direct Mailing to Gain Business in Your Neighborhood

Posted on: June 26th, 2013 by No Comments
It’s great when people from miles around flock to your newly-opened restaurant, salon, spa, club, or shop. When you’re hot, you’re hot, and people are always eager to get a piece of the latest trend. But when the buzz dies down and the next new hotspot opens, it will be hard to get people to drive for miles. This is why every business needs regulars. And you can ask any long-standing successful business: the customers who keep the lights on, the paint fresh, and your children fed are the ones who live nearby. ...